My name is Joe, I’m a software developer from San Francisco. I am constantly looking for opportunities to learn and be challenged. I have a passion for problem solving and software development allows me the opportunity to create things that solve real world problems. I have experience across the full stack of web development with modern libraries and frameworks like React, Redux, Rails and Django.

I graduated from UC Davis with a degree in Biochemistry. My interest in software began when I started studying bioinformatics and learned Python. Since then I have learned several languages, built full stack web applications and am always looking to learn more.



Don't Forget The Milk

Single page web application for organizing to-do lists. Don't Forget The Milk runs on a Ruby on Rails backend with a React/Redux frontend. It utilizes optimized SQL queries on the backend and optimistic updating of Redux state on the frontend to make it fast and responsive.



A web API for baseball statistics. BaseballDB allows developers to utilize the API to get conveniently formatted JSON responses of a range of statistics. BaseballDB runs on a Django backend hosted on AWS EC2.


Baseball Graphs

A React and D3.js application for visualizing data from the BaseballDB API. It seamlessly integrate D3's DOM manipulation with React's quick updaating and data organization.


Traveling Salesman

The Traveling Salesman application optimizes the classic computer science problem of the same name. Using real world data from the Google Maps API, the application attempts to find the shortest route between all points using a simulated annealing algorithm.

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